bpc SCIE
Business · Economics · Academics · Practice
As aspiring economics and business students, you may have the following questions:
-What are the main types of economics and business competitions for high school students?
-What are the benefits to participate in economics and business competitions?
-How to choose which competitions to join in?
-How to prepare and succeed in these competitions?
BPC, one of the largest student-led business organizers, invites senior students who have won awards in several economics and business competitions to answer all these questions on August 25th. You will also have the chance to get to know them in person. This sharing session is rich in content and I believe it will inspire you.
Speaker Introduction
Important but less interesting stuff about me:
-2021 FBLA China International Business 3rd place, HRM 1st place, Business Concepts 2rd place, Financial Maths 4th place
-2022 MEC Final 4th place
-Top 3 in Business Studies
More interesting stuff about me:
-12th Chairperson of BPC
-I'm in charge of a business club and I've participated business competitions, but spoiler alert, I'm not planning to study business at uni
-my fav things (very random): cats, walking, watching cooking videos (but I can't cook lol), collecting CDs and vinyls
The Dropout
You may have heard of the book "Bad Blood" before, and this is the TV series adapted from the same true story of Elizabeth Holmes. She was the founder of Theranos, one of the largest business frauds lately. Holmes' company claimed to have the technology to do blood testing with only one drop of blood, but ... (I'll leave the rest for you to find out)
Dirty Money
More stories about frauds and crimes here! (I really love exploring the dark side of business (゚o゚;;). Dirty Money is a documentary series about how individuals, companies, banks, and even government get "dirty money" through tricks and lies that may make you really surprised and angry, as many of the frauds are not brought to justice.
-A1 student in SCIE
-G1 GPA 4.0, G2 GPA 3.96 (tortured by GCSE English)
-MEC 1st Roadshow video in the world, overall team ranks 4th in the world
-IEOC individual merit
-SCIE SLB Residence prefect
-Animation Dub Club president
I really recommend the book called “低风险创业” if you want to gain more knowledge about entrepreneur and business. It was a book that I read in the 11th Business Practice Competition. This book is very beginner friendly, and you can learn a lot about entrepreneurship. It is really useful for both learning business and preparing competition.
A1 student in SCIE, ready to apply for economics in the future. Simon has participated in IEO and Wharton Competition. Being enthusiastic, Simon is very willing to share his experiences and tips to help those who wish to take Wharton Competition in the future.
Principles of Microeconomics
Mankiw's Principles of Microeconomics is for basic understanding of the economic system.
Investment 10th Edition
Investments is a book for learning the models and investment strategies more in depth.
Hello everyone! I’m Shelly from A1. My interest of economics initiated from G2, and I explored the subject — macroeconomics, in particular, through extensive reading and family discussions. I had won multiple awards from competitions, but these are insignificant compared to my passion in economics — the subject in which I consider to be counter-intuitive, complex, and sometimes heavily misunderstood. I love to hear different opinions, so feel free to text me anytime and communicate with me!
The Big Short
My recommended film is The Big Short. It offers insight into financial markets and explains the jargons very well.
The Undercover Economist
Competition Introduction
1.International Economics Olympics Competition
Similar to NEC, another popular competition, IEOC examines both theoretical knowledge and business skills, hence both economic and business criterias are tested. Presentation skills, research skills, and critical thinking are also key parts of IEOC. In short, IEOC examines a wide range of skills other beyond economics.
Official Website:
2.Wharton Global High School Investment Competition
The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is a free, online investment simulation for high school students (9th to 12th grade) and teachers. Students work in teams of four to seven, guided by a teacher as their advisor. Together, they learn about teamwork, communication, risk, diversification, company and industry analysis, and many other important aspects of investing. It includes a stimulation of investment portfolio construction, trading in a stock market, and presentation of the strategies in a short report.
Official Website:
3.Model Entrepreneur Competition
Model Entrepreneur Competition, also known as MEC, is a global competition hosted by Columbia Business School Venture For All (VFA) and IEG Global Association. Students from all over the world take part in MEC every year to learn how to be entrepreneurs and follow their entrepreneurial dreams.
Official Website:
4.Future Business Leaders of America
Thoughts and records after participating in FBLA from Yawen
Organisizer Introduction
BPC (Business Practice Club) is the largest business and economic high school club in Shenzhen with a history of 12 years.
photos BPC's activities — scroll to see more
As the first student organization in South China to hold business competition independently, BPC has successfully carried out 11 business practice competitions since 2011. A total number of 15,000 participants from Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan and other parts of the country involved in BPC’s competitions.
Read introduction to BPC
Details about Sharing Session
Eco&Bs Sharing Session
25th August 2022 16:40-17:40
B526 in SCIE
1.General description of basic categories of Eco & BS competitions
-Academic competition
-Entrepreneur Competition
-Essay Competition
2.Introductions of 4 competitions
-FBLA (Yawen), IEO (Shelly), MEC (Florence), KWHS (Simon)
-competition rules and procedures, experiences of preparation, rewards and gains
3.Q&A Session
Business Practice Club
Join in the group chat of BPC
Vice-Head of Planning Department
Rita Zou
In order to ensure a good communication atmosphere in the recruiting group, we need to verify everyone's SCIErs identity according to school regulations before adding anyone into the group chat.
Although the process is a little troublesome, you can join the recruiting group and add excellent and lovely senior's WeChat!
Something Important
We are looking forward to seeing everyone!
Pictures|Previous BPC's committees
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