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SCIE 深国交(深圳国际交流学院)2019年校刊节选(02) - 深国交院长说

11577 人参与  2019年08月07日 18:39  分类 : 纵观深国交  评论


Words from Principal

院长 Principal Mr. Neil Mobsby



-Mr. Neil Mobsby于2009年加入深国交,此前曾在英国、中 东、非洲和中国其他一些地区任教,教学经验丰富,已有超 过25年教龄。


BSc Pure & Applied Mathematics, University of Exeter;

PGCE Secondary Mathematics, Christ Church College Canterbury.

Neil Mobsby joined SCIE in 2009, having worked in schools in the United Kingdom, the Middle East and Africa as well as other regions of China. He has over 25 years' experience in teaching Mathematics & Further Mathematics.

Mr Mobsby was appointed as Executive Principal in 2018, having been the Academic Deputy Principal for the previous seven years.

SCIE 深国交(深圳国际交流学院)2019年校刊节选(02) - 深国交院长说  学在国交 深国交 第1张

做到最好 Striving to be the Best

● 加入深囯交十年之际,我接下了深国交继续前行的指挥棒。这所学校办学已有16年之久,这年岁比我们所招的G年级新生都要大一点。现在,这是一所有着坚定基础、已含盛誉却仍旧在不断探索、力争更大提升的国际高中。

● 当下,让我们激动不已的是,深国交新校园正在如火如荼地利迁。这个新校园将是我们硬件系统的次重大升级,将为学生们的校园活动提供更大的空间,体育运动、科学人文、音乐艺术等课程项目的形式也将更加丰富。同时,整个学校的发展进程又遵循着可控的步伐,在充足的时间内缓慢且有序地扩充,从而保证我们精彩的校园文化和学术成功最大限度地得以保持。

● 当下也是深国交接受国际学校联盟重新审查的时刻,美国西部大学联盟也正对我校进行认证审查。这些认证就像一面镜子,让我们通过方方面面的考核来审视自己,深国交的心志是:做到最好!这句话也可以用之于每一个学生、老师、以至于整个学校。这些年来,通过脚踏实地的办学,我们取得了显著的成功,但我们也不停地问自己,如何才能变得更好?这也是各认证机构一再提醒我们的。这些世界级水准的认证,启发我们更深刻地去开发国际思维,在办学过程中真正地让学生得到发展,在注重他们对中国文化认同与欣赏能力的同时,培养其作为全球公民应有的素质。我们也在不断思考,如冋在学生已有的高质量的学术能力的前提下,最大限量地助其发掘自己的潜能。

● 每当我翻开一本本国交年册,透过众多鲜活的例子看到学生们的成长故事,以及我们的教师是如何引号这些孩子走向成功的,这些年,这些学生,这些成就,让我感到常自豪。作为院长,我也会想象着他们毕业了,作为深国交的校友,会拥有着怎样精彩的人生。我想说对所有家长、教职工校友以及在校生们说一句,是你们创造了深国交!

* In this, my tenth year at Shenzhen College of Intemational Education, I have taken over the mantle of leadership as the college moves onto its next phase. The college itself is now 16 years old, older than the new intake of students, a developed establishment but the road to improvement continues

* This is an exciting time for the college as our new campus is now fully into construction, to be ready for us to expand into when we move in August 2020. This new campus will provide us with the space to develop our current programmes, with the expansion of sports, science and humanities as well as the arts -drama, music and fine art. The growth of this phase of the school is a controlled process, expanding slowly across the next few years to ensure that our culture and academic success are retained

* This is also the time when we go through our re-accreditation with the Council of Intemational Schools aswell as WASC, the US Westem Association of Schools and Colleges. Accreditation is an important process as it enables us to hold up a mior to ourselves and to examine all that we do in order to determine how to improve. Our school motto is Striving to be the Best and this applies not only to our individual students themselves but also to our staff and to the school as a whole. We have achieved phenomenal success over the years, but continuously we ask ourselves, how can we do better? This is where the accreditation the world whilst still retaining their understanding and appreciation of their own culture here in China. We will also consider how to improve further our already high-quality leaming to enable each and every student to achieve their maximum potential

* As I look through the pages of this brochure, I see the many examples and stories of the success of our students and to see with them the teachers who have worked in guiding them to this success. As the principal, it makes me proud and honoured to see the great achievements of our students in their years at our college and to consider how they progress as they move into their futures as alumni of SCIE. To you all, Parents, Staff, Alumni and Students, congratulations, You are SCIE






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SCIE 深国交(深圳国际交流学院)2019年校刊节选(02) - 深国交院长说 

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免责声明 - 本贴图片及人物头像版权归原作者及原出处所有,本站旨在向全中国全世界华人宣传推广我的母校,认知我的母校,喜欢我的母校,实现母校“办中国最好的国际学校”的宏伟志愿,希望你、我、他、她共同促进母校的成长与发扬光大 。


我们没有什么不同 我们都是天赐的礼物





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