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9382 人参与  2019年06月19日 08:00  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

家长代表在毕业典礼上的讲话|爱永远都在 深国交 深圳国际交流学院 毕业季 第1张



















家长代表在毕业典礼上的讲话|爱永远都在 深国交 深圳国际交流学院 毕业季 第2张


Dear teachers, parents and students,

Thank you for having me here today to share with all of you this amazing night. I’m sure many parents, like me, seeing our stunning daughters and handsome sons, feel nothing but pride. I don’t think any of the parents present here enjoyed this kind of grand event when we graduated.

First, congratulations to all the students for graduating from high school and starting a new journey of their life! Congratulations to SCIE for another successful year! And congratulations to all parents for starting yet another new age of worries and concerns.

The day when our children first came to SCIE seems like yesterday, and yet today we are already at the graduation ceremony. The four years that our children spent studying and growing up together are also the same for us. Every year, at Food Festival, graduation shout or water fight, the most devoted, the loudest cheerleaders, the most productive photographers are parents; the ones offering most support and donations are parents; the ones spending long evenings chatting in WeChat groups are parents; the ones that are easily provoked by a single sentence are parents; and of course, we are also the gossipiest ones. In an age of anxiety, the parents in SCIE are relatively lucky: we’ve got parents from different grades mixed up in the WeChat groups, and the tradition of support and help adds dynamism to all kinds of small groups. No matter what kind of parent you are, you can find your suitable group. Any ungrounded worries from any parent are responded by Parent Association, other parents or senior students. We comfort, share with, roast and encourage each other. It is such a relief that our anxiety is responded. It soothes our nerves and grants us friendship that can go on forever.

Being a member of the Parent Association for three years and a member of the Board of Council for two years, I’ve had the honor to experience this small school closely. It’s located in a bustling area of Shuiwei urban village. Students can order take-out easily and play around with their phones. They have lots of freedom, but cannot be late for school or absent from classes.The campus is small, almost tiny; It’s quite old, and some anxious parents are always complaining about the facilities. No uniform rules, so students here can wear whatever they want at school. No interference of interactions between boys and girls, so we can see pairs wandering around. The CNY concert superman dance, which often makes teachers walk away considerately, is something many parents love-hate. The school has no more than 1000 students, and yet there are over 100 ECA clubs. If you wish, you can be the leader of a club no matter how ordinary you are, but you must rack your brain to retain your club members. Once the students enter the campus, they connect on WeChat with almost every other student in the school and even former schoolmates form overseas. Students may need to study and finish exercises by themselves, but when it comes to deadlines or GPA, teachers will never make a concession. All these simple details make up the SCIE in my eyes. We complain a lot, but we also love it a lot. Controlling the children is easy, while having a free land is not; reproaching is easy, while equality is not; preaching is easy, while tolerance is not; taking care of everything for our children is easy, while letting them be responsible for themselves is not; praising those outstanding students is easy, while providing a real platform for the more ordinary ones is not. Yes, the real education is like the gentle spring rain bathing the world, or the small streams that make a sea. We appreciate SCIE, for the coexistence of freedom and principles, teaching and self-study. It provides a free stage to students, inspires the inner motivations of them, and gives them the mental power to challenge the world.

Ok, then the second chapter is the advice to the door. Although such advice is almost destined to be spit and forgotten by our children, it is still to be given to our beloved boys and girls:

1. Cultivate or furtherdevelopa hobby. Fall in love with a sport.

Cultivating or further developing a hobby will make your mind more interesting,and falling in love with sports will make you better and healthier. A hobby and a healthy body are the most important indicators of happiness, and they can also be the power of self-help in difficult times. Of course, the beautiful figuresthat SCIE's girls and boys showed today makes me full of confidence.

2.Cherish the time of university study. Cherish the lifelong friends from high school and college.

For the upcoming college life, Long Yingtai, a famous Chinese writer, said: "The only free time in life that allows you to dive head first, to go through heaven and hell, and to madly seek knowledge is these four years only." As precious as youth is, please show you passion, follow your heart, cherish the time of study, andit will be the best years of your life, as well as the cornerstone to pursue better life and have more choices. At the same time, please cherish the friends you make in high school and college. They are your companions in study and the listeners when you are down. Their hugs and late nigh talks when you are in tears will add unmeasurable value to your youth.

3. Try to understand the history, reality and pain of our homeland. We all share the responsibility of protecting the country, rich or poor.

As Qian Mu mentioned in his book History Outlinewritten for youngsters during wartime, those who know about their history carry a warm feeling and respect for it. I hope that you can view the history of your own country with warmth and respect wherever you go, as this is what gets you a place in the world and esteem from others. I would hope that you understand the reality and pain of our homeland, being able to see its glamor, joy and gorgeousness, while at the same time understanding the tragedy, hardship and cruelty it has suffered. Your parents have been so fortunate to witness China’s splendid achievements in the past forty years, and therefore have more access to better resources and a wider vision. As for you, our next generation, you have every reason to hold on to the creed that you must stay noble when you are poor and care about the world when you are better off. You should aim to help ordain the conscience of the world and provide guidance for people to decide their own destiny. We hope you could walk the talk and not to be a sophisticated egoist. Though everyone seems to be alone and insignificant in the world, the world is complemented by every individual. Every one of us has been trying to improve the lives of ourselves and others in our own ways, big or small, constantly benefitting ourselves and the society. I do believe you, with a combined vision of Chinese and western cultures, bear more responsibilities for our nation and the world.  

4. Do not forget that the love from your parents will always be here

Parental love is a love to let go. If you’re far from home, please send your warmest regards to your parents, and be nice and tolerant to yourself. No matter how ordinary or outstanding you are, as everything is extraordinary in its own way, please remember, you are just who you are - the pure happiness to your parents. No matter you remember it or not, regardless of how far you are, wherever you go, their love is still here and will never leave you behind. 

Finally, I sincerely wish that by improving even more and keeping on the great work, SCIE would one day become a century-old famous school! Best wishes to all school leaders, teachers and parents. May our beloved children have a strong heart and a bright future!


                                 Thank you!

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