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深国交院长在毕业典礼上的演讲 l 做最好的自己

9934 人参与  2019年06月18日 08:01  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

深国交院长在毕业典礼上的演讲 l 做最好的自己 深国交 学在国交 毕业季 第1张






多年来,我们有成功举办多年广东范围赛事的商务实践社,还有金融俱乐部和其他成功的社团。现在也得益于这群学生将我们的商务社团联盟组建起来了,用以协调各项活动,也使之成为一个更强而有力的联盟组织,并着手SCIE UCC应用经济奖项。这彰显出他们的创造力。










Graduation Speech 2019

Board members, Guests, Parents, Colleagues and Students, welcome. This is my first graduation as principal and for you students it’s also your first graduation.

Back to the script –Welcome to the SCIE graduation ceremony for the class of 2019. We are here to celebrate with some rather remarkable students –the Class of 2019. Students please stand up and show yourselves. Applause for our students. Well, SCIE is a school, so your teachers have been helping you learn –teachers stand. Students please show your applause for the teachers. Parents, please stand–students please give your applause for the help and support that your parents have given you. Parents, you can be proud of your children. They have spent 4 year here at SCIE striving to be the best. 9 of them got Best in Worlds for exams and 11 of them got Best in Chinas for exams. 25 of them got Oxbridge offers but amongst those I know of there are 940 offers from the Best 50 universities. In international exam results, with best grades of A/A* there are a massive 2279 and in Community Service they are also striving to be best with a total of 1952 hours of service! Everyone striving to be the best they can be. So yes, parents, all of you can be truly proud of the achievements of these remarkable children.

Let me tell you of some of the other things they have achieved that you might not know about.

Sometimes I have met these students in their A2 year, dining out in restaurants around Shuiwei –not the bars, of course, because they are good students –aren’t you –if you find yourself in a jiu bar - you walk straight through and out the other side –but its always a pleasure to hear about you from the restaurant owners because you behave well –to quote Angelo from the Braseria Puglia “Your students - they are so nice and polite and follow the rules –they are good guests”. In fact, they will be so sorry to see you go away overseas –not because less profits but because you have been such good, polite customers! You always think of others and behave so well. That shows you have learnt Social Responsibility.

For many years we have had the Business Practice Club running their Guangdong wide competition, and a Finance Club and other successful ECAs. Now, thanks to this group of students they have formed our Union of Commerce Clubs to coordinate the activities and make for a stronger organisational group and starting the SCIE UUC Applied Economics Award. That demonstrates their Creativity.

I like the way your year have approached problems. I faced the Student Council meetings where the prefects would give the feedback from the students with some trepidation, I can tell you –what awful complaints would this year’s students moan about? Would it all be about how terrible the canteen was? Well yes, quite a bit of it was –BUT this Class don’t just come to me with problems, but they suggest the solution –such as the prefects having a go at organising a queuing system for the canteen –That is an excellent attitude. Initiative.

So students what do you think of your time at SCIE. Has it been worth while? Have you learnt anything? Have you enjoyed it? Well have you? …And that is Enthusiasm.

So lets see, the Class of 2019 has learned Social Responsibility, Creativity, Initiative and Enthusiasm.

Well that’s good because, that is what SCIE means. Students in a Challenging International Environment learn Social Responsibility, Creativity, Initiative and Enthusiasm. 

I hope you all go on from here to have Superb, Cosmic, Incredible and Enjoyable lives, or to put it another way have a Super Cal Ifragilistic Expialidocious time! 

Remember to come back and visit us and to tell us how you are getting on, whatever wonderful things are happening in your lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Class of 2019, Striving to be the Best, the Best that they can Be!

Thank you

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 深国交



校友 Percy Lau | 被各路明星大咖追捧的新锐眼镜设计师




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